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Great Investments Programme

educates private investors on how to invest for their future. With software & 1-2-1 calls they are fast-tracked to almost expert level of confidence.

‘If you’re interested in investing and you want to take it seriously, it’s definitely worth doing because you’ll learn an awful lot through the course.’ 


The Great Investments Programme is a lifetime investment mentoring programme that provides online courseware, access to proprietary online tools and resources and one on one mentoring designed to enable beginner or advanced investors to invest successfully, for life. Risk Warning: All investing is risky.


Paul, a Chartered Financial Planner, had been investing for 27 years for his own clients. Advising clients, using risk adjusted portfolio inline with their individual needs. This could be growth or taking income in retirement.


Paul got burnt on a CFD some time ago and discovered Alpesh through a webinar and started the Great Investments Programme in March 2020 when markets had fallen drastically. His Portfolio reduced by a third as it was in equities at the time during the collapse.


Paul sold a large amount of Unit Trusts & OEIC’s, which meant he was then able to leverage his investments in regional ETF markets and experienced an amazing comeback from the recovery. Paul wanted to improve his understanding about investments and in particular, share dealing.



Paul completed 89% of the course and has started to put his learnings into practice during the market downturn in 2020. Alpesh uses share dealing which Paul found very interesting, to add to his knowledge on this area of investment – a completely different approach from investing in Units Trusts and OEIC’s.


Paul enjoyed learning the Programme at his own pace and being able to scale up or down his dedicated time depending on work commitments. Paul thought the indicators provided in the Great Investments Program fascinating, especially the warning factors on when to exit an investment at the best time, and filters to exclude companies.



Results have been great for Paul. Last year was very volatile in equity markets and he decided to cash out of the ETFs when markets were back to previous high’s and made a profit. Paul is becoming more comfortable with share trading, created a portfolio and is tracking it to see performance on a global scale, using the tools, systems and mentorship provided by the Great Investments Programme.


Paul said, ‘If you’re interested in investing and you want to take it seriously, it’s definitely worth doing because you’ll learn an awful lot through the course.’ Even though the Programme is different to the methods Paul used in the past, Paul is mastering the different angles and understands the reasoning behind it. He is constantly researching fund managers and their performance and plans on growing and reinvesting the cash and new contributions.


This is the power of pound cost averaging on adding to investments. Alpesh said, ‘I want people to understand that investing is not something to be afraid of and educating them in simple terms is my job and my track record is well documented, so I am really pleased to be practical.’



RISK WARNING: All investing is risky. Returns at not guaranteed. Past performance and case studies are no guarantee of future results.


Designed and lead by the award-winning hedge fund manager Alpesh Patel OBE, students learn at their own pace through a carefully developed library of educational materials so they can secure their financial future.
Client Focus
The Great Investments Programme can be used by beginner or advanced investors who seek higher returns from their investments.

  • Achieving better results by explaining technicalities such as market metrics and movements and how to use them to know when (and how) to act.

  • Optimise returns by managing the self: focusing, gaining awareness of risk profile and emotional detachment.

  • Creating clearer ways for traders to understand market influences and catalysts for change.

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